Let's Bond!

Realizing a Community Vision

May 02, 2023 First Nations Finance Authority Season 1 Episode 5
Realizing a Community Vision
Let's Bond!
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Let's Bond!
Realizing a Community Vision
May 02, 2023 Season 1 Episode 5
First Nations Finance Authority

Chief Derek Epp of Tzeachten First Nation in B.C. joins host Jody Anderson on the fifth episode of the Let’s Bond podcast to share his community's housing upgrades and what they mean to members. He says it's not the size of the loan that matters, but what counts is the value it brings to the community.

 First Nations communities don’t have to start big. Many, such as Tzeachten, started small with sustainable housing developments. Over time, your community will grow and thrive. With FNFA borrowing capacity, communities can expand their housing developments in ways that truly meet their requirements.

Episode run time: 21:54
Derek Epp, Chief, Tzeachten First Nation
Website: Tzeachten First Nation 
Email: derek@tzeachten.ca

Additional information:
Every Loan Tells a Story: Tzeachten First Nation Housing Project(FNFA video) 

Show Notes

Chief Derek Epp of Tzeachten First Nation in B.C. joins host Jody Anderson on the fifth episode of the Let’s Bond podcast to share his community's housing upgrades and what they mean to members. He says it's not the size of the loan that matters, but what counts is the value it brings to the community.

 First Nations communities don’t have to start big. Many, such as Tzeachten, started small with sustainable housing developments. Over time, your community will grow and thrive. With FNFA borrowing capacity, communities can expand their housing developments in ways that truly meet their requirements.

Episode run time: 21:54
Derek Epp, Chief, Tzeachten First Nation
Website: Tzeachten First Nation 
Email: derek@tzeachten.ca

Additional information:
Every Loan Tells a Story: Tzeachten First Nation Housing Project(FNFA video)